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Thursday, October 28, 2010

It's THURSDAY's almost end of the week2....
havent done everything i's reli sucks...

this few days feel that bad luck is surrounding me...
Monday my car was locked by the security with the reason illegal!!
and thx to my classmates, sook im...done the payment with me...
and next is my really sucks broke up into pieces because it's hard to close due to the housemates too noisy...just wan a peaceful night and enjoy my movies with some beer....

and housemates noisy like hell...
pls think of the other housemate as YOU're not living alone...shit...!

and i still don't know how much should i pay for the window...anyway, really feel bad...

for this week, the nothing to talk about...
leader had distribute all the job...and my mind is still empty...don't know what should i do for that~
hope everything goes fine....
i'm just so so so tired of this...